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Can I apply if I don’t have school teaching experience or a bachelor’s degree?We do accept applicants with relevant teaching experience or education background, even if you do not have a bachelor’s degree. We provide trainings to help our teachers improve their classroom performance. However, we do require our teachers to have at least one-year in class teaching experience due to our small class environment.
I don’t live in the United States, can I still teach?Yes! As long as you are a native English speaker, you can teach with us. Our platform supports teachers teaching from any place in the world with internet.
Can you explain more about the application process?You need 3 steps to become a Capra teacher: Submit your resume on our recruitment website; If you pass the resume screening, you will be invited to complete the interview and test session; If you pass all the interviews, you will receive an offer email with a contract to e-sign.
How is the interview scheduled?Once your resume has passed our initial review, we will contact you to schedule an interview. The interview will be conducted through TalkCloud, the platform we used for atual teaching. The content for the teaching demonstration will be sent to the applicant along with the interview invite.
What is the interview process?The complete interview consists of 2 parts including an interview and a test session 1. The interview is 40 minutes long. It will consist of 2 parts: Part 1 – teaching showcase using Capra content (10 minutes) Part 2 – company introduction and Q&A (30 minutes) 2. After passing the interview you will be invited to a test session. In the test session you will do a more complete demonstration of your teaching, including phonics, reading, writing, worksheets, etc. You will received more details about the interview process in your interview invite.
When can I hear back from you after the interview?We will contact you within 2 business days after the interview to inform the result.
How long is the contract?Our contract term is 12 months.
What happens after I sign the contract?Step 1: complete our onboarding process. Step 2: attend our new hire training. Step 3: confirm your availability and be ready to start teaching.
How is the contract renewed?We will revisit your contract one month prior to the expiration date to confirm the renewal.
How is my pay rate calculated?Your pay rate (per 40 min lesson) consists of $9 base pay plus up to $6 bonus pay based on attendance and performance. There is an additional $7 urgent substitue bonus per lesson for each class you urgent substitute for. (Substitutions that are notified within 24 hours are considered urgent substitutions). You can sign up to be “standby” for certain time slots, and get notified if a substitute teacher is needed.
Are there any bonus if I refer anyone to Capra?Yes, there is a $50 bonus for each successful referral from Capra teachers.
When and how do I get paid?You will receive your monthly payment on the 15th of each month. Capra provide WISE or PayPal as payment options for teachers.
Who should I contact if I have questions about my payment?Send an email to your Capra contact for any questions you have.
How much tax do I need to pay?Capra teachers are independent contractors and responsible for their own taxes in accordance with their individual tax jurisdictions or country’s laws.
What is the class schedule?Please refer to the "Recruitment" tab of this website for class schedule.
How do I know if my class is booked?You will receive a confirmation email for our regular classes and you will need to confirm it in the teacher portal. You can see the schedule of each class booked in the teacher portal.
What should I do if I want to cancel a lesson?We completely understand if our teachers need to cancel a lesson due to different reasons. If you need to take a leave of absence, you can submit a leave of absence request in the Teacher Portal.
What if I have vacation planned during my class schedule?We encourage our teachers to forecast their vacation plans as early as possible to help arrange class schedule timely. We provide some leave allowance for teachers to take leave 31 days in advance during the contract period. Any leave taken 31 days in advance within the allowance will not affect the teacher's attendance bonus.
How can I teach more classes?Your classes are booked based on the match requirements. If you want to teach additional classes: Please update your regular time slot in time, we will schedule regular classes for you as soon as possible. We will notify you if we update our schedule and have new time slots opened. Keep up to date with your weekly time slot and we will assign substitute classes for you.
Do I need to prepare the teaching materials?No. We will provide you with all the teaching contents and instructions developed by experienced US school teachers.
What feedback do I need to provide after a lesson?For each demo class, the teacher needs to provide an evaluation within 12 hours after the class. For regular class, the teacher only has to provide an evaluation summary each week after the last lesson of that week. Teachers are encouraged to use our templates for the feedback.
How long should I wait if my students are late to my class?Start your class on time if there is at least 1 student in the virtual classroom. If none of your students shows up 15 minutes after the class starts, it will be considered as a “student no show”. You can exit the classroom, and you will still get paid in full for this lesson.
What is a “class tutor”, and how can he/she help?"Capra assigns a class tutor for each class. They are liaisons between teachers and students/guardians to facilitate the communication and resolve any issues. You can contact your class tutor for any issues you have, including but not limited to: Class scheduling Question about the curriculum content Classroom disciplines Students’ progress Offline practices needed
What if my student(s) have loud background noise from their end during class?Notify your class tutor for help, meanwhile, you can mute the student(s) except for their participating time.
What if my student(s) misbehave/get distracted in my class?During the class, please try to involve them or engage with them as much as possible without disrupting the class environment. After class, make sure you provide the feedback about your students, and notify your class tutor about the situation.
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